Monday, January 19, 2009

Good times!

Well, 2nd quarter is officially complete...the year half over, UNBELIEVABLE! I finished everything but pasting in the comments on my report cards and they're better than last quarter so that made me feel good that we're making some progress :) I was laughing at my kids the other's been cooler here, much cooler than we were told for's been 50's during the day but down to 40 overnight...anyway, I've been turning on the heaters in my room and my kids are so cold they seriously rush through their work so they can sit close to the little heaters!

Saturday was much warmer and absolutely BEAUTIFUL! It was nice to have a day to talk to people, catch up on some sleep, clean, watch TV...all good things! Sunday was church and later Adrienne and I headed to the sea wall to sit and chat with our root beer floats...we got side tracked listening to this amazing violinist playing outside in American Village...we bought her cd for the car, can't remember the name right now, but she was amazing! Anyway...we don't usually go to the sea wall during the day, but it was so nice and it had been so long since we've been able to go...wanted to share a picture of why we like it so much there...and this isn't even it at it's finest :)

Sunday night was also the beginning of Sunday Night Live at Neighborhood every 1st and 3rd Sunday so that was awesome and afterwards a bunch of people went to Foster food court (we of course had to be signed on which is always an adventure!) but we had a great time laughing and talking with everyone. Monday I got some time to talk to Kevin for the first time in over a month...excellent talking to you...stop stalking, comment please! :) Sorry for the side note, anyway, Monday we were supposed to go to Rocky and Gina's house along with a bunch of people from church and I don't know the last time I laughed for so long or so hard! We had amazing grilled meat and veggies, salad, potato salad, corn, Gina's SUPER yummy dips and chips - we had a great time playing the Wii - everyone played at one time or another during the day and it was a crack up watching everyone! Adrienne's competitive side came out with Robert, his visiting mom, and Kiana!
Amid all the excitement of the Wii Sage (who if you've read Adrienne's blog has a hilarious idea on how we're going to meet our future husbands AKA Japan Man!) asks if she can have cardboard for the hill. UMMM??? So they have this rather large hill out their backyard and at some point in the past they've discovered that you can easily slide down on cardboard and not get hurt. So this is HILARIOUS to watch!! Gina took a turn, so did Azaela (Lissette's mom visiting from Portugal), all the I of course needed a turn - SO FUN!! Adrienne took a turn finally and then we decided to do a little race. I had a slow start, but it was still really fun. I almost fell off my cardboard I was laughing so hard! On another run I did slide off a bit, but lived to tell the tale! Anyway - incredibly fun to start a new week...might go see the cherry blossoms next weekend - there's a festival for the next month or so because of the blooms and the pictures we've seen are amazing, so I'm excited!

Kiana surfed ALL the way down the hill - it was impressive! Her parents on the left are really nice (Jerome and Stacy) and Isaiah is possibly the cutest little boy! Their middle child I think was still at the bottom of the hill playing after riding down.
On your marks, get set, go!

Seriously, I was trying to just wasn't working out very well for me!

We made it!
Apparently we were racing back up too...I won that one!


Aimee said...

Looks like you had way too much fun this weekend! Miss you! Talk to you soon!

Cheryl said...

I love the sliding down the grassy hill. I can just hear your laugh!:) I miss hearing it!
